Frequently Asked Questions

What makes this site unique & necessary?

This site is different than anything out there in the fact that it allows buyers of feed commodities the opportunity to actively “post” specific products they are looking to buy in the time periods desired. What everyone is used to is a directory of sorts, where sellers are listed with their phone numbers, addresses, and outdated products lists. is an active, up-to-date posting board where BOTH sides, buyers and sellers, can post their specific needs to the marketplace. Users make instant connections, which, in turn, generate more efficient transactions

Are commodity transactions completed on

No. is a connection platform. is simply a way to introducing and connect buyers and sellers of feed commodities through specific posted needs and for the exchange of contact information for the use of private negotiations outside of the website. is not a clearing-house or a party to any contract for the sale and purchase of feed commodities negotiated outside the website. TransactionAG, and the website,, are not, and should not ever be considered or categorized as, a grain broker, agent, or trader for either party.

What if there are no sellers in my area?

Just because there is not the specific product you are searching for on the Products For Sale Board, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a seller looking to sell. POST your needs on the Products Wanted board and sellers that are browsing the Products Wanted board will contact you directly.

Why is this type of website needed?

The first months of working within the feed commodity industry, I spent countless hours searching for new feed customers for our sales manager to sell to as well as trying to find and secure new feed ingredient vendors. Additionally, my role in the execution of contracts allowed me to interact directly with farmers, producers, and other feed ingredient users who all shared a similar sentiment – few buying options and limited knowledge of who to call for certain ingredients. This website is needed because it is the solution for connecting the feed commodity industry, through more efficient and timely transactions, increased buying and selling options, and more transaction opportunities.

How often can I post?

You can post as often and as many times as you would like. There are no limits to the amount of posting.

Can I post the same exact post more than once?

You can post the same exact post more than once, but it is encouraged not to do so. The listings within each grid are not listed chronologically; they are listed alphabetically. Your product posts will be grouped together with the product chosen. If you have the same product or need but different details please post as often and frequent as you would like.

How long will my product or need stay posted?

Your product will stay posted on the corresponding board until you delete it. All posting will be automatically deleted after 30 days. At that time, you will need to go in and re-post your product.

What if I have specific instructions or details about a need?

If you have specific details or instructions about a product or need, there are two areas within the add product form that allows you to explain; description and additional info. The description will show up on the grids within the board when you post. Additional info will show when a user clicks on view details of your product or need. Additional info allows for up to 250 words.

How do I share with friends or pass along other people who it will benefit?

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Please like and share to help spread the word about the new, more efficient way to connect within the agriculture industry!

If I have a question not answered here or a comment, whom do I contact?

Contact us anytime via Email. We are happy to answer all questions, deal with any concern you may have, and help in anyway possible with any need that might arise.